Mixed Media

Mixed Media.

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'The Occulted'

60x80 on cardboard

'De Christus van Servaes in '24'

60x80 on cardboard

'Dream State'

75x55 on paper

'Max, Le Grand Sérieux'

60x80 on cardboard

'In A Desparate Land'

55,5x80 on cardboard

'Dream State #2'

75x55 on paper

'La Jouissance Totalitai-rien-ne'

60x80 on cardboard

'The Temptation of St. Anthony'

75x55 on paper

'Sorcerer's Apprentice'

29,7x42 on paper


41x32 on paper


29,7x21 on paper


29,7x42 on paper


50x40 on paper


24x32 on paper

'Blue, white and red'

29,7x42 on paper

'Big smiley'

24x32 on paper


41x32 on paper

'The Acolyte'

29,7x42 on paper


29,7x42 on paper


41x32 on paper


41x32 on paper

'Girl and Skull'

54,5x36 on paper


63,5x41,9  on hardboard



29,7x42 on paper