Schilderijen 4

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Reeks gewijd aan mijn echtgenote en muze, Machteld.

Klik op de thumbnail om het volledig werk te zien.

Series dedicated to my wife and muse, Machteld.

Click on the thumbnail to see the complete work


oil on canvas, 50x70


oil on canvas, 40x50


oil & pencil on paper, 60x80

'Helena kijkt hoe

Troje brandt'

acryl en olieglacis op hardboard, 60x80


oil on canvasboard, 40x50


oil on hardboard, 122x60

'Die Sonne'

oil on canvas, 60x80

'The Icon'

oil on canvas, 60x80

'Roman buste'

oil on canvas, 30x30


oil on harboard, 130x97


oil on paper, 35x25

'Clair Obscure'

acrylic and ink on hardboard, 50x60

'Aan Zee'

oil and acrylic on hardboard, 50x70